the business of child care series
series concept,
book cover & interior design
The original title of the first book in this series was to be The Basics of the Child-Care Business, and all subsequent books were intended to have a completely different title. To me, this wasn't exciting or enticing, and I knew more could be done to make it not just another average book series.
After doing some research into what the author intended the rest of the series to be, I realized there was a common theme between them all. One was about funding, another about marketing, etc. I kept coming back to "The Basics" in the original title, and had the idea to center all of the books around this while adding each theme as the differentiating factor. Thus we have "The Basics of [theme] a Child-Care Business".
I presented my idea to my editor, president, and marketing team, and it was an instant success. The author thought forming her book series in this way was "genius"! (cough)
project vibe
modern, simple, minimalistic
7" x 10", 1 color, 4-part book series, 136 pgs. (avg.)